My basement renovation

Overseeing the renovation of my basement has been both challenging and exciting. It was something that I wanted to do for a very long time, so I’m happy it’s finally happening!

Most of us start projects like this full of enthusiasm and often hit a point where we wish things were done already. But once the renovations are completed, the excitement returns, making it all worth it.

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While managing the basement renovation and seeing all the details involved in this transformation, I remembered a tip from my business mentor. She went through major home renovations last year, and when things got overwhelming, she’d tell herself, “It’s all easy. Everything is easy.” This mindset helped her stay calm and keep a positive attitude despite the chaos that renovations often bring. It’s like you’re mentally and energetically removing yourself from the physical mess. 

I use this tip when I feel overwhelmed by the long list of tasks on my calendar or notes app.  I write down everything I need to work on and review it one by one. I always remember that most things are easy to do (or perhaps have become easy because I do them often) and that most things on my to-do list are not urgent; they just need to be done. This perspective shift reminds me that I’m not stressed because most things are difficult or there are no solutions but because there’s a lot to do. And when I have to work on challenging tasks, I tackle them one at a time to maintain focus and energy.

After speaking with my contractor, I went ahead and divided the renovation into three main pieces, just like I would with any other project: 

1. The main area

2. The laundry room

3. The bathroom

I then made detailed lists to keep track of what I needed to buy, discuss with my contractor, and decide on: 


1. To Buy:

– 24 recessed lights

– 30 boxes of flooring

– White paint for beams and cabinets, etc. 

2. To Discuss with Contractor:

– The side of the cabinet and door frames need painting

– Do I need one or two dimmers?

– Change the lighting from cool white to warm white

– What time will you be here tomorrow? 

3. Decisions to Make:

– Should I buy online or in-store? (Need to compare prices.)

– What color to paint the walls?

– Metal or wood door?

– I bought too much flooring; who can I sell it to? (I eventually sold it online.)

I updated these lists constantly, adding and removing tasks as things progressed. There were a lot of moving pieces! 

I stayed up past my bedtime (which is pretty early) a couple of times going over the details to make sure I didn’t miss a thing. I also had to keep my budget in mind, especially when considering additional work or purchases.

Managing a project requires flexibility and confidence in setting priorities and deciding what you can live without.

So far, the main area and the laundry room are all set. The one-piece upflush toilet that includes the water inlet and AC vent for the shower and the sink has arrived and is ready for installation in the new bathroom! I still need to buy the shower, tiles, and vanity set/cabinet. I’ll create another list for that 🙂 This last phase feels easier because it’s the sixth bathroom renovation I’ve overseen. Practice makes the process smoother, especially when you learn to focus on important details from the start, like how much flooring you actually need.

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