We all have something in common: the feeling of being stuck or down at times.
In this article, I’ll share a few tips on how to keep things going even during challenging times.
Rosa Carrasco-Vergara
1. REACH OUT to your support system. When I have questions about how to use a new program or when I need to brainstorm, I reach out to my mentor and/or Virtual Assistant community for advice.
2. TALK TO YOURSELF KINDLY. Remind yourself that you’re enough that you’re doing enough. We all have bad moments or bad days. Acknowledge them and let them go. Tell yourself: “this feeling is temporary. I’m human, I have self-doubt, and I’m awesome”.
3. ACT as if you were already where you want to be. People can sense insecurities. No matter how knowledgeable you are, if potential clients don’t hear the confidence in your voice, you might lose them. Practice having consultations with potential clients. Practice having uncomfortable conversations with people. Practice and start acting as if you were already where you want to be 🙂
4. I mentioned earlier that you need to talk to yourself kindly. It’s also important to PUMP YOURSELF UP! Play your favorite song (that song that makes you feel like a rockstar), dance, or simply stand in front of a mirror and remind yourself: “You’ve got this”
5. BE GRATEFUL. You already have enough to be happy. I bet you already have at least ten things you can be grateful for right now! This is the time to remember them.
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